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 Product Number: Best in Class Fish & Chips

 Country/Territory: South Africa

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Hi there,
A few months ago, I eavesdropped a conversation while in a queue at the iStore in Sandton. What amazed me was the passion of the lad who was describing the best fish and chips he had ever eaten. I thought, at first, that he was proposing. I suspect she may also have gotten that idea, but the flowers were a happy day gift not to be confused with his passion for "Fish and chips." From portion size to taste and value, he could not have been more enthusiastic about the fish and chips shop he had discovered if he had tried.
I suspect he had no idea of his wider audience, for it was not long before others in the queue were sharing disappointment at the fare on offer from their local fish and chips shop.
I'd never really given fish and chips much deep thought, but over the next week or so, I became a regular at Fish Hook in the Waterford Centre in Fourways. How many others have become regulars due to that casual encounter with an enthusiast? Any foot traffic to their store gained from his referrals is well deserved.
There is not much more classic than fish and chips. Indeed, it is an everyday meal, but for the fish to be a culinary triumph, it begs for a crispy batter, flaky hake, and a touch of freshly squeezed lemon. 
Grilled hake is also a simple dish, but it will delight the most discerning palate when done well.
I passed the Waterford Centre recently and surprised my wife with a "classic" takeaway on the patio. I ordered the medium hake, one grilled and another deep fried in a batter with small chips to share.
Was it affordable value for money? Certainly, and did it meet my seasoned expectations for the best the North offers? Absolutely, but please add your reviews and let us all know your views on this simple way to delight your taste buds!
Next, let's chat about the chips.
Starting with the cut: straight cut of varying lengths and thicknesses, curly cut, crinkle cut or "spuds julienne", the standard thin version, wedge cut, something like a roast potato, some crispy, some not. Next, the fry can be lightly fried, offering the traditional "slap chip," preboiled and crisply fried or just deep fried. Finally, what they're cooked in makes a difference: vegetable oil, lard (fats) or flavoured oils.
Back in the day, frying in lard offered finger-licking wholesomeness instead of the blandness of vegetable oil, which is why some use flavoured oil. Using beef flavouring to replicate the "lard fry" taste renders the "spud" a non-vegetarian! We must also include identity: British, French, or American covers most of the playing field. Interestingly, "American Fries" are french fried, which refers to the cut, not the country ie the thin (McDonald/Kentucky) crispy fry. British could be the slap chip that soaks up salt and vinegar like no other, and the French, preboiled with a soft centre encased in a golden crispiness that makes it, too, like no other. We live in a global world where you will find them all everywhere.
To the purest, a British "Chip" is soft and lightly fried, while "Fries" are deep fried to crispness. So, to the discerning few, chips are never fries!
At Fish Hook, expect "Slap Chips"; like them or hate them, they are the best in class!
At Fish Hook, they focus on across-the-board value for money rather than on periodic loss leaders. On any day, they believe they have specials (signature dishes) based on the current stock available from suppliers and will chat with you about these. Still, the best is that you become a regular, with an expectation for affordable brilliance, which is our Mantra, and we invite you to make it yours.
Warm regards
PS Find this review at www.FISHhook.webo.directory


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