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Webo Agile Quizzbuilder

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About and How To: Agile Quizpages with the Webo SaaS
Traditional surveys gather opinions for analysis. Agile Surveys do the same however they present the next question on the basis of the answer to the last question posed by a survey. In this way questions remain relevant and the needs and desires of the survey population is able to be uncovered by maintaining relevancy while drilling down to the detail.
Problems and Solutions
Often people have a good idea of what they do not want but they are uncertain of what they want as they have not been exposed to available solutions. Solutions can be engineered where a detailed understanding of the problem is available. Henry Ford said, “If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have told me, ‘Faster horses.'” Steve Jobs said, “People don’t know what they want until you show it to them.”
Another way of assessing your needs is to try different options. Each will allow you to formulate opinions on what works and what not. Each will have an impact on your pains and frustrations and in this way you will build a deeper understanding of what you want.
Agile Quizpages
If you were asked to complete a survey that consisted of 100 questions the chances are that you would decline the opportunity.  If however you were asked to complete a 10 question multiple choice survey the chances of you completing the survey would sky rocket. We define an agile quiz to be one that asks a question where your answer informs the selection of the following question.  There may be 100 questions in the question database but the survey will dig deep on your specific circumstances in a way that will hopefully get you to better understand the cause and effects of your situation.
In short agile quizzes segment participants and drive question relevancy.
Use Our Agile Surveys with Specialised Sales Funnels
eg Lead generation
  • Sales Funnel
  • Get > Keep > Grow
  • Infographics (Instant summary) > eBooks (for detail) > Free Trial  (No Risk hands on experience)  > Sign-up (Consistent value)
Delight & Convert
  • Find out what they want with agile quizpages
  • Met their needs and exceed expectations
Engage & Grow
Engage with:
  • Webinars
  • Online Meeting Rooms
  • Group Chat
  • Blogs
  • Offers to help
  • Agile Quizzes to determine needs and desires
Grow by
  • Making it easy and reward people for:
    • reviews that grow reputations,
    • sharing that grows awareness and
    • referrals that generate leads.
Why should your lead buy and why should they buy now? 
Consider Black Friday or Groupon type deals. Deeply discounted coupons generally do not generate profit as they are often loss leaders where often the objective of generating a lead is not met as the contact details of bargain hunters is not harvested. 
Often bargain hunters attracted by deep discounts will not fit your needs for building a profitable supply chain. Getting your customers to share the value and benefits that they derive may be a better alternative.
Another strategy may be to host a “Flash Sale” that offers deep discounts to bargain hunters who are then leveraged to refer their friends who pay regular prices based on recommendations.
Step  1
Conduct a survey to explore the challenges, pains and frustrations of each niche market that you want to address.  These segments may be existing or potential customer bases.
Potential markets may be Greenfields that you want to explore and about which you know little.  Your objective will likely be to assess the potential of this niche which will be guided by an assessment on demand and supply. 
You can ask your customers to complete your survey or if it is a new niche you could use Google Adwords or Facebook Ads. Response rates will indicate the degree of demand for a solution based upon the level of pain or frustration caused by the problem covered by your agile quizpage.
Step 2
Define your Sales process (aka Sales Funnel)
Given that you have a customer base it means that you would have established a process of:
  • Lead generation: acquiring new prospects and leads. It may have been that you opened your doors in a busy mall to passing shoppers or you may have developed an online sales funnel with Google Adwords, etc. You could be offering a lead magnet to boost your cold lead list or you could get current buyers to share rewards and so generate warm leads.
  • Converting & Keeping. Converting prospects, leads and visitors into being customers, This may have been driven by offering free delivery, better service, etc. This process will include getting customers to buy more and buy more often. You could have introduced volume or pricing discounts, etc.
  • Growing e.g network marketing by self promotion and by getting your customers to introduce their friends and business connections.  Keys to success include delighting customers who write reviews to build your reputation, who share comments on social networks that grow awareness and who make a one on one introduction to friends and business connections. Networking is a warm traffic funnel that done right can generate leads and customers consistently, on auto-pilot, every single day.
Each of the above sales processes has a defined objective and it cannot meet the objectives of the others. Together they can progress people along a funnel.
Step 3
Establish the obstacles to “Getting to Yes” and the ways in which this friction can be addressed.
Not all sales are impulse buys based on snap decisions.  There may be obstacles to “Getting to Yes” that need to be established and addressed by a defined sales process or funnel. This may entail offering a webinar, a free trial, a demonstration etc.
Step 4
Lead Generation; attracting new prospects.
  • Offering high value impulse buys designed to get people on-board to build the relationship that will drive larger sales (aka Tripwire sales).
  • Offer relevant information downloads that addresses their problems eg an eBook  (aka Lead magnets).  A gated offer refers to offers where contact information is exchanged for the lead magnet. This may deter many and where this is likely the free offer opens the way to future engagement as a result of the value gained from the lead magnet or by way of retargeting1 those that select the free download option.
  • Reducing the risk by creating a smaller deal that has upgrade options.
  • Increasing the value by bundling options together.
  • Reducing the risk by offer free trials.
  • Educating by running webinars to unpack the value.
1:  Establish the challenges, pains and frustrations caused by a problem. E.g  Not being found on the internet and establish the obstacles to “Getting to Yes.”
2: Determine the extent of the problem.
3: Email your customers  and / launch an agile quiz webpage to determine demand.
4: Analyse the results to determine what they want
5: Supply a solution.
We all would love a one-size-fits-all solution to business growth.  The problem is that it does not exist. Take this quiz and get a customisable roadmap from where you are to where you want to be.  It presents as a simple easily understood generic solution but implements as a highly engaged personal solution that addresses your specific needs.
What is the single biggest marketing challenge you’re struggling with right now?
I wish I had more:
  • Time?
  • Leads?
  • Website Traffic?
Which of the following best describes you:
  • Are you a brand new start-up?
  • Do you need help to find a market?
  • Do you need new cold traffic?
  • Do you need warm traffic?
Which of the following traffc management matters best describes your needs?
  • Do you need to turn cold prospects into leads?
  • Do you need to turn existing leads into customers?
  • Do you need to get buyers to buy more and buy more often?
  • Do you need more leads?
Which of the following conversion matters best describes your needs:
  • You have leads but not enough buyers?
  • You do not have a highly engaged audience?
  • You do not have a high converting sales funnel?
Consider deploying the following Sales Funnel
Research and Deliver Needs & Desires > Keep Customers > Get Your Customers To Grow Your Business
  1. Lead Magnets are attractive offers (aka small bribes?).
  2.  To be attractive they must be relevant.
  3. To be relevant you need to establish who and where the audience is plus what they are likely to buy and why.
  4. The best lead magnets offer value within minutes of opting in.


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