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B4U VIP Listing Enhancements

 Note: No notes for this product
 Product Number: Neighbourhood Marketing, JUST WORKS

 Country/Territory: South Africa

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Affordable Cost - Little at Risk | Enhanced Benefits

The Benefits of a Paid VIP LISTING include all the benefits of the FREE Listing and the Mention-Me VIP Listing Enhancements plus:

  • Awareness: VIP Listings are featured on Mobi Neighbourhood Lists that are promoted on the Printed Deal Finder Lists.
  • Deals: Up to four deals or promotions. Deals and promotions can be set to require a Facebook Like, Twitter Like or Pinterest Like to be redeemable. Redemption can be by presenting a printed copy of the deal voucher, by displaying the deal voucher on a phone or by supplying a promo code.
  • B4U: As a limited time offer the VIP LISTING is offered as a B4U offer. To secure this launch deal please buy now to avoid disappointment.
  • Multiple Touch Points: Traditionally sales funnels are suggested to follow a linear path; Awareness, Interest, Desire and Action. There are those that suggest a non-linear progression and that customers may, say, start with a desire which leads to awareness etc. General consensus, however, exists that all these matters are relevant. Frequency and emotion impact on Awareness, deals and recommendations excite Interest and Desire whilst Action will be a factor of the ease of buying, when the impulse to buy, disrupts a consumers everyday life. The more touch points the better. The VIP LISTING offers the Mobi Neighbourhood List (When Available) and Featured Status on the Directory.
  • Measurable Return on Investment: Marketing / Advertising budgets are investments to produce a return. The investment consists of a financial budget allocation towards direct costs and the time spent by staff associated with campaigns that may be less easily measured. Direct returns derived by, buy now or short term sales is also more easily measured than the longer term positive impact on awareness and interest that may have sales as a medium to long term outcome.
  • Levels the Playing Field: Because the cost options are measurable and affordable small business can compete with large national chain stores and brands.  In addition, as it is neighbourhood based it creates the opportunity to be personal and interactive which builds a foundation built on relationships. Consumers may support a local business because of an established relationship rather than on price or branding. Neighbourhood marketing provides rich opportunities for touch points along the linear sales funnel; Awareness, Interest, Desire and Action. In the past TV, Radio and Print dominated and were expensive options that excluded most small business. Neighbourhood Marketing opens the door to all businesses as it is an affordable way of reaching local consumers.
  • Laser Focussed:  Marketers seek to segment consumer groups in terms of geography and demographics.  The thought process holds good for Neighbourhood Marketing except that targeting with micro focus on say, lifestyle, behaviour or needs is more achievable as is the ability to establish where consumer segments are in the customer lifecycle; unaware, interested, desired, new user, established / knowledgeable user, no longer a user. Knowing where customers are in the lifecycle will enable reward relevancy determination.  Rewards can be focussed on customer acquisition, retention or growth. Acquisition; Deals and coupons excite. Retention; Loyalty programmes retain customers. Growth: Referral rewards and Impulse buys grow businesses.
You get the following VIP Listing Enhancements:
  • A full size About Us web page for text, images, videos and links
  • GIF Builder for sequential image display
  • A Form Builder and Accommodation Enquiry Management
  • An Online Specialist Quick Quote webpage
  • Header Slideshow
  • Image Gallery & Comments
  • Footer Marquee Generator
  • A Classified Store or Product Showcase
  • Flip Books by Category
  • Flash Gallery
  • Webpage Gallery
  • Polls
  • Blog
  • Link & List Communicator App
  • WhatsGood Communicator App
  • Social Media Integration including available image harvesting, Facebook Like, Twitter Like, Facebook Share, LinkedIn Share, Twitter Follow, Twitter View, Pinterest, E-mail, WhatsApp & Twitter Feed
​For each successful mention-me sign-up you get this upgrade for 30 Days. The more businesses you successfully introduce to Webo the longer your membership subscription will be.
Deals are available as an affordable add-on.
Plus You Get all the Free Listing Benefits:
  • Increased Internet visibility via a credible backlink
  • Inclusion in Webo Directory Search results when relevant
  • Inclusion on a Neighbourhood List when available
  • A 450px wide Splash Page to host "About Us" Information
  • The option to offer full contact information on the Splash Page
  • The option to offer Hours of Business
  • The option to add a Twitter Feed
  • The option to offer a Map to your physical location
  • The FREE upgrade of a Splash Page Link to a Reviews and Information icon on Neighbourhood Lists when Comments/reviews are added to your Free Listings Page/Splash Page.
  • CLICK HERE TO READ MORE about Neighbourhood Marketing

Link & List Communicator App Examples


enjoy a link from a Neighbourhood List where one is available to the FREE LISTING on the WEBO DIRECTORY.
Where Listings have comments or Customer reviews the Splash Page (SP) icon changes to a Reviews and Information (RI) icon.
Both icons link to the Splash Page.
See the following Neighbourhood Lists which are work in progress builds. All Neighbourhood Lists remain subject to change for on-going edits and additions.
All listing options are an upgrade on the free listing.
To get started with a free listing click GO below.
Register with your email address and a password. If your email address is not accepted it means that your business has been recommended before. Go to and search for your business. When found, select the option to CLAIM THE LISTING. If you have difficulty please contact us.
Set out below is an example of a VIP Listing. The Meta Search Engine submission to Google is set out below the listing.
VIP LISTINGS ENJOY www.Webo.Directory home page search plus they are Featured on Neighbourhood lists

L & L Communicator App Example

CLICK TO LINK TO THIS L & L Communicator App




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