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 Product Number: Sign Up to Comment / Add Reviews / Buy / Sell / Blog / Build Market & more

 Country/Territory: South Africa

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Welcome to the Registration Page
Registration is required to place information on the directory and to use the site builder to build independent Websites, Blogs, Communicators, Showcases or Stores. Browsers and buyers register to place online orders & to make payments as well as to receive the latest news sites that they subscribe to for webpage sharing, SMS or e-mail. Registration may be required to comment on blogs and you cannot buy unless you register as the Seller needs to know who to send the purchases to.
All registered users have access to an Administration Panel where they are able to manage their accounts/sites and they can share ideas and or seek advice on the Hub Home Page Forums.
Listed website Sellers or Owners may also require users to be registered to obtain or submit information or talent profiles.
Last but not least, registration is necessary to limit spam.
Types of Registration
The type of registration selected will depend upon your needs which may be:
  • To buy from a listed online store, to chat or comment on a blog or discussion forum, to submit forms, to rate products, to rate stores and listed entities Register as a Buyer or User.
  • Site Owners own the content on sites that they register to build that may include Listings, Blogs, Websites, Comunicators and Showcases or Stores.
  • Featured Listings, the 4 Channel Marketing Bundle, VIP Listing Bundle, Rated Supplier Audits, First Tier URL's and Sundry Built For You (B4U) Services require manual activation by our Admin. Contact Us to have these options activated for you.
  • Deals Packages are an add-on to a Free or Featured /VIP Listing. They may not be independently available. They are displayed at the foot of the listing, on the Featured Deals Page, Featured Deals Blog and on the Directory Bookmark APP Mobi Lists.
  • Featured Product, Featured Store, Sponsoring, Banner, Featured Website, Bulk e-Mail, Bulk SMS and Sundry Services are add-on packages. They are not independently available. After registration these add-ons are offered in the Member's Portal.
  • Registration will entitle you to use our site builder to build and host a listed but completely independent website and or store on the internet.
  • For further detail on Membership Fees see the link at the foot of the page.
  • There are six registration options.
  • Unless otherwise stated the packages are self build packages.
  • To get started please select the option below that meets your needs :
  • User's or Browsers and Bloggers that want to comment on Blogs or to Review products or sites need to register.
  • Those submitting showcase content or Talent Profiles need to register as Buyer's or User's.
  • This option is Free and is a Good Place to Start
  • Register to Chat, Review, RAVE,  share ideas, ask advice and or Buy and track online purchases.
  • You get your own MY ACCOUNT / Member's Portal where you can edit and or delete any comments made plus you can see your online transaction, if any, history.
There are 3 options:
Free Directory Listings are hosted within the directory and are fully functional instantly published directory listings.
R300 for 30 days and if required a R900 build fee.
Featured VIP Directory Listings have the use of VIP Listing Enhancements. They commence with registration as a Free Listing and are an upgrade bundle of options. There are two options; The Mention Me Referral Reward (an option that cannot be purchased) which comes with all VIP Listing Enhancements excluding Deals and the VIP Option with four Deals included. The VIP Listing Enhancements can be seen on the Listing Admin webpage under the heading, VIP LISTING ENHANCEMENTS.
R500 per month, billed quarterly
A VIP Marketer includes 6 deals, 6 Coupons and inclusion on a Neighbourhood Deal Finder. To start please register for the free listing.  After registration the VIP Marketer bundle of options will be activated upon the receipt of a request for activation.


R10 for 30 days or R90 pa
Directory Webpages are hosted within the directory and are a fully functional instantly published single website page.
From R300 per 30 days or R2700 pa
Independent but listed Website hosted outside the directory: The site builder's tools are extensive and awesome. Pricing is dependent upon content size.
From R200 per 30 days or R1200 pa
Independent but listed Online Store or Product, Service, Project or Member's Showcase hosted outside the directory. Pricing is dependent upon content size. Included with the standard Online Store package are up to 100 Deals. Deals are not independently available
From R300 per 30 days: Independent but listed Blog, Website plus Online Store. Pricing is dependent upon store and other content size.
The Webo SaaS Bundle and Webo Ozone for Restaurants subscription is R1250 / $77 per 30 days: Link & Link Communicator Apps, Meetings Communicator Apps, Online Meeting Rooms and the Loyalty & Referral Marketing Communicator Apps are available on the All-in-one SaaS Bundles which are manually activated on this 14 Day Free Trial option.
Please note that after you submit the registration form for the Website & Store the Link & List Communicator App, Meetings Pack Communicator App, Online Meeting Rooms plus the Loyalty & Referral Marketing Communicator App will be manually activated on this baseline Website and Store Sitebuilder package. A R500pm Audience Builder ad spend budget is an optional extra as are bulk SMS and Email credit bundles. The 14 day free trial is a DIY option. Should you require a built for you option, please contact us.

What do I get with each type of Registration?
  • You get your own Buyer and User Account Administration Panel
  • Registration is free
  • Registered users can RAVE, Review and see their comment history which they can edit and or delete.
  • Registered buyers may purchase from online stores linked to the directory,
  • Post comment on the directory home page discussion forums (blogs),
  • Post comment on listed websites for the sellers attention,
  • Add Reviews to online stores and or product or service showcases
  • Add Product Reviews to individual products listed on Online Stores
  • Subscribe and or unsubscribe to Site e-mail notices
  • Subscribe and or unsubscribe to Site SMS notices
  • Place directory adverts for wanted items, event notices etc.
  • Maintain a Private Account/Members’ Portal
    • View or print a record of past online purchases
    • See when a Seller acknowledges receipt of payment
    • See when a Seller dispatches your purchase

Directory Listings are hosted within the directory and feature contact information, an accommodation enquiry booking form, an image gallery, a description page that is 470 pixels wide, text and image poll/survey management, a form builder, deal enabler, a gif builder, image resizer and search engine description specification. The free listing page has advert panels on the right and site navigation panels on the left.

Contact us about upgrading to a VIP Listing. You may list yourself as a free listing and then e-mail us to activate the upgrade. A Featured listing enjoys the full page width of 900 pixels and does not have adverts nor site navigation in the side panels. In addition, it has the option of a hyperlinked header slideshow, image rorator creator, footer marquee builder, a flipbook brochure, a password access option, 5 Mobi Directory benefits/page links to specified URL destinations, button activation on neighbourhood lists that are linked to their website, newsletter, blog, store, deal or online quote page. In addition they get inclusion on 5 neighbourhood lists.  A Shared Newsfeed Webpage is also included. This is a "Bookmarklet APP" page that clients can download and bookmark with a screenshot icon on a phone screen. Each time the page is opened it auto-updates to the latest version of the page. This is ideal for newsletters or for pre SALE  notices to VIP customers. It can be used as a notice page for parents of a school etc.  The pages can be password protected and they could require a login if so desired.
Contact us about upgrading to a VIP Listing Bundle. You may list yourself as a free listing and then e-mail us to upgrade your listing and to arrange a sitebuilder to build your site options where this is required. In addition to the Featured Directory functionality detailed above the VIP Bundle includes:
  • A B4U (built for you) Featured Listing.
  • An initial B4U 5 Deal Bundle that may be edited and or amended on a DIY basis at any time.
  • A B4U 5 page Website subject to content provision and DIY use of the website site builder to increase the size of the website.
  • A B4U 5 product store that is subject to content provision that may be expanded to 100 products on a DIY basis.
  • A B4U Blog Setup that may be utilised on a DIY basis.
  • A B4U Header Slideshow with 5 Slides subject to content provision.
  • The loading of 5 Testimonials subject to content provision.
  • The loading of 5 Gallery Images subject to image provision.
  • The loading of 5 Flipbook Pages subject to content provision.
  • Search Engine Meta Submission subject to content provision.
  • You get your own Site Owner's Administration Panel
  • Directory Webpages are placed within the directory
  • Includes full Buyer & User functionality
  • A fully editable webpage that is placed within the directory
  • Free Webpages carry adverts
  • You get your own Site Owners Administration Panel
  • Websites are independently hosted outside the directory
  • Free for the listed trial period: Plus schools and community non-profit organisations may apply to us for a sponsored site on which we place adverts.
  • Includes full Buyer & User functionality
  • Multiple Directory Listings
  • A "news feed" shared webpage option - This puts your newletter on the desktop of your subscribers plus it puts your newsletter on the cell phone of your subscribers
  • Multiple Audio, Scroll Box, Video and Website Pages with Website Template Editor and site Background Music options
  • Search Engine Description specification (SEO), Hub Search Optimization, Social Network linking and Webpage Sharing
  • Multiple Blogs with topic and comment management
  • Multiple Forms, Quick Quote and Form Response management
  • Alternating, flash, gif creation, linking, non-flash, resizing, rotating and slide show image manager
  • Flipbook, partner & other link, list and marquee creation
  • Download and video management with site language translation
  • Access to Bulk E-mail and SMS’er
  • Site and specified content privacy / password locking
  • Meeting Pack Communicators and a range of other Communicators plus a virtual Meeting Room organiser.
  • You get your own Seller's Administration Panel
  • Customise the Online Store to be a "shop window" for Products or Services, Projects or Membership Profiles etc.
  • Hosted outside the directory as an independent but listed site on the internet
  • Free for the listed trial period see Membership Fees
  • Includes full Buyer & User functionality
  • Multiple Directory Listings
  • Multiple Audio, Scroll Box, Video and Website Pages with Website Template Editor and site Background Music options
  • Search Engine Description specification (SEO), Hub Search Optimization, Social Network linking and Webpage Sharing
  • Multiple Forms, Quick Quote and Form Response management
  • Alternating, flash, gif creation, linking, non-flash, resizing, rotating and slide show image manager
  • Flipbook, partner & other link, list and marquee creation
  • Access to Bulk E-mail and SMS’er
  • Managed product or service shopping cart for priced item or managed  auction sales
  • Specials and Detailed View product and or service showcase with descriptions, features and reviews
  • Search tag specifications
  • Up to 21 images per product
  • Product variation management,  delivery option creation and checkout payment option creation/selection
  • Currency selection including in-house currency creation, brief list view option with bulk product up loader
  • Sales management,  history review and data export management
  • Site and specified content privacy / password locking
  • Independent Website & Online Store
  • Free for the listed trial period see Membership Fees
  • Includes full Option 4 plus Option 5 functionality
  • The SaaS All-in-one Bundles are an optional extra on this option.
  • On the Classified Page Builder you will find the option to upgrade to offer Featured Classifieds with advanced user functionality
  • Registration is not required for those who only wish to browse the sites on this directory.
  • Please take the time to register. It is for your protection and for ours.
  • Off-line purchases do not require registration.
  • Sites listed as  “Private Sites”  require password access. They do not appear on the directory and as such their content is not searchable.
  • You may only use a username and or e-mail address once.
  • Options 2 to 6 allow you the option of multiple free directory listings.
  • Online stores may be customised to be product, service or membership showcases. In addition selecting Option 6 will allow us to activate the Link & List, Loyalty & Referral and the Meetings Communicator Apps. Option 6 is thus the correct choice for the Free Trial for all the Communicator App modules. 
  • For further detail on Website and Showcase/Store pricing plus for add-on option pricing please see the Membership Fees Page.
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