Welcome to Advanced Quality Performance Measurement (PTY) Ltd t/a AQPM
After many years of trials and testing within a factory environment, we have perfected a measurement tool that confirms and reports factory floor performance, dashboarding through the PC network, live information on plant performance, quality and maintenance against a given standard. The information, through a dashboard or generated reports, is available in a graphic or numeric format within seconds after measurement. Updates and "refreshments" are 100% accurate and are saved both on and off-line to a backup database that supports archiving of all information for an indefinite period.
The principal, quite succinctly, is that if you cannot measure or count it then you cannot address the issue of performance. Once our systematic measurement processes are in place, outputs and outcomes are measured and assessed as snapshots in time, with full historic reference. These become the "dots" that we "connect" to track performance. Once we know where you are we are able to intervene and effect changes designed to enhance performance.Our performance measurement system is in current use by both national and international companies both locally, in South Africa and overseas. It is used both by manufacturers and downstream packers alike.Contact us for a round table meeting on what we can do, together, to enhance the performance of your factory.