We offer opportunities to like-minded people seeking a full-time or part-time work-from-home or office business that is a 2nd Income "Side Hustle" or a Full-Time Passion to thrive as an entrepreneur.
Specialise in selling Loco Marketplaces to shopping malls where all shops list deals and specials. They also sell free showcase upgrades to SMEs on our Go Local Marketplaces, where SMEs pay Webo a Success Fee when they sell a product on the Webo GO Local site. Unlike many marketplaces that sell 3rd party goods on their sites, we offer the opportunity for the seller to trade in their name so that they get paid, by the buyer, immediately after a sale. This way ensures that the seller's brand is acknowledged and grown.
Accredited Marketers may, for example, specialise in selling coupons and vouchers to restaurants or businesses that offer other lifestyle experiences. The revenue model gives value to sellers as it is a success fee upgrade from a free product showcase. The success fee for marketplace trading and marketing includes a hosting fee for specials, deals coupons, gift cards and more.
Typically you would have advanced secretarial skills with some Photoshop knowledge to offer to build sites for businesses. We will provide coaching from this baseline so that you drive your success as we navigate your progress.
Agents should have a sound understanding of digital marketing practised by traditional marketing agencies. However, we will introduce you to the Webo eMarketing framework designed to grow many SME businesses within ninety days significantly. We coach Agents towards accreditation over a period that will depend upon the time and appetite that the prospective agent has for success.
Distributors specialise in selling Webo Hubs to Corporate B2B Businesses with extensive customer lists. They also appoint Webo Marketers in the categories listed above. The Marketer may specialise in selling coupons and vouchers to restaurants or businesses that offer other lifestyle experiences. The revenue model gives value to sellers as it is a success fee upgrade from a free product showcase. The success fee for marketplace trading and marketing includes a hosting fee for specials, deals coupons, gift cards and more.