Webo is leading a shift in local content delivery from "Push" Technology channels like e-mail, printed flyer adverts, SMS, etc., to SCROLL AND CLICK "Pull" Technology COMMUNICATOR Apps on phones and PCs.
Spam is destroying relationships whereas our ONE CLICK COMMUNICATOR Apps, using "Pull" Technology are building relationships.
We all need vendors, suppliers, service providers, professionals and more and when we do we seek advice on who and what is good. A shared user experience gives comfort to buyers. So-called "blind buying" is risky and users value connecting with an advisor on what's good in the hood! Our Neighbourhood and other INFORMATION COMMUNICATORS are local businesses run by like-minded individuals who are well placed to advise on the COMMUNICATOR's target market whether it be weddings, travel destinations, lifestyle choices, etc.. Chat to us about our Business Opportunities. e-Mail sally@webo.directory or link on the blog on this topic. CLICK HERE TO GO TO THE BLOG.
As users move from desktops to mobile phones, two matters will rank high up on the experience. The first is information overload. Sorting out hundreds if not thousands of search results is bad enough on a desktop PC but with a phone, it is nearly impossible. Next phones have small screens and pages need to be phone friendly.
Most users never read the full content on their phones. What they want is to get information on a local topic in ONE CLICK. They are not likely to be browsing. Thus web pages need to offer tabs to frequently needed information, or they need to offer tap to link scroll down pages with links to specific read more pages.
Ask yourself what information your regular users seek. It is unlikely that they need to read your "about us" page. They will be looking for information like a product setting or who has been selected for a team etc., Add these pages as visible links from a scroll down keyword rich list and your abandonment percentages will plummet.
Because COMMUNICATORS serve like-minded people with interest in the given topic they will be more tolerant but critical. They will scroll through keywords, as phones are built to scroll lists, but the content that they need must be one click away. Our Link and List Communicators are designed to offer ONE CLICK CONTENT. That's the goal in building your COMMUNICATOR; it's doable, easy and it just works.
ONE CLICK CONTENT means that our Link and List COMMUNICATORS link users to the information that they seek in one click. They do this by scrolling lists. Nothing is deeply buried. Frequently asked information filters to the top of lists. It's a whole new way of presenting content.
Bill Gates was on the "button" with his insight that "Content is King" but if the bookmark button on a home screen offers content that is poorly presented it will not be read. Having a comprehensive site builder as a foundation to our COMMUNICATOR means that the choice of content management system or web page type makes all the difference.
Our custom page designs enable spreadsheet presentation, word and powerpoint to have presenters that enhance the user experience in moving into a virtual meeting room.
Our Meetings Communicator and the Meetings Pack Communicator are a solution to ONE CLICK MEETING CONTENT.