Opportunity Knocks

 This is a Webo SaaS Law Firm Demonstration Site.
What got your firm here
will not get you to
where you want to be.
You need a plan
and you need to
market your reputation. 
Digital Marketing
for Law Firms Works
but you need to know
why it does not work
and why it does. 
“ The power of the Internet has been tried and tested to be capable of doing ‘the heavy lifting’ and as a result it has created one of the world’s greatest step changes in the way we socialise, conduct business and more.
The power of digital marketing is huge yet, many Law Firms, do not engage audiences on social media and few use the Internet to market their Reputations. Google marketing works; few see past the need to optimise for SEO but, the real power lies in social sharing to grow reach!
What about optimising for Reviews, Sharing and Recommendations? If say, 3,000 people LIKE your website, this means that they LIKE your content. LIKES give your site credibility but it’s not where the real power lies. Let us say that they tapped a SHARE option instead of the LIKE option. Then 3,000 people (the no. of likes) X 335 (the average number of Facebook friends people have) = Over 1 million shares! It is not a contest because you can have both LIKES and SHARES you just have to optimise your website for both. SEO is a game of “catch up.” Optimising for SHARING is not. It works immediately and continuously, you just have to offer something worth talking about and you must make it easy to share.
Taken as a whole, law firm marketing lags opportunity and this eBook explores why many Law Firms may have failed to achieve astounding digital marketing results; impact and outcomes.”


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