Traditional astrology is based on a sound monotheistic philosophy and is aligned with classical moral teachings; it is impossible not to question the very core of who you are and your personal belief system once you begin your studies.
You can never graduate in this field: as one layer is learnt, the next unfolds. In the words of 17th century master craftsman William Lilly, “You will always remain a student of astrology”. This study takes courage, sacrifice and humility and should have a profound effect, not only on the astrologer, but also on the people assisted by her.
The emphasis in my astrology practice is on teaching the craft; sharing knowledge with like-minded people who are also searching for the 'Holy Grail' is what inspires, challenges and delights me.
Anyone who truly yearns to understand the meaning of life and who longs to find solace in the fact that there is more than what can be seen with the naked eye, should channel this desire in a constructive manner into the study of a craft that has stood the test of time.
“How long it takes each of us to just accept – to accept what is, to accept ourselves, others, the past, our own mistakes, and the imperfections and idiosyncrasies of almost everything.” – Richard Rohr
- 2 year contemporary natal astrology course through the Thorburn School of Astrology in South Africa; diploma awarded with distinction.
- 1 year Astrologers Apprentice tuition: qualified as a Horary Craftsman under the tuition of the renowned British astrologer John Frawley.
- 2 year Craftsman Astrologer tuition: qualified in traditional Natal and Election Astrology under the tuition of John Frawley.
International Accreditation
- Published author of astrological articles in both astrological journals and contemporary publications, locally and internationally.
- Regular contributor of medical astrology articles to the publication the South African Journal of Natural Medicine, serving on their Panel of Experts.
- Currently co-writing a book on astrology and the human psyche with Teresa Alfonso.