A Small World school is owned and operated by father and daughter team, Piet and Carol. The property has been an operational school for over 20 years, Piet and Carol decided to purchase the business to realise a long-standing goal of owning a school of this nature. The property was sorely in need of renovations, so the family set to work on takeover in November 2010 and major renovations have already been completed to bring the facilities up to a high standard.
As this is a family investment, with unwavering support from Piet and Carol’s respective spouses, we are able to provide continuous hands-on management at the school as well as combine our creative ability to deliver a well-rounded service to your children. With the focus being on real-world education, we have introduced a variety of educational programs to stimulate and nurture your children and equip them with the best possible skill set for facing the scary world of “big school”.
In addition, our aftercare program offers homework supervision, tuition, project assistance and even study skills for the older children. Included is an active and exciting holiday program for those long weeks when the schools take a break.
We have spent a considerable amount of time and energy to renovate the building, refresh the educational program and introduce a wholesome menu for the benefit of our little customers.