About US
The pinnacle of this Healing choice program is its focus on how to overcome hurts habits and hang-ups. At the heart of the model is the belief that if you change the way you think and make choices, your behavior will follow and therefore your destination will change. Special features of this program is its future/career coaching and life planning skills. While the program encourages a Christian ethos, it has relevance and appeal for all and breaks down the barriers of race and creed. Together, Peter and Estelle Kilian created the Healing Choices concept - a life changing curriculum with interactive discussions. The whole curriculum is designed to help people let go of the past, break free from addictive lifestyles, take responsibility..'
Address :-Karibbiese Ave, Randpark Ridge, Micro Category :N/A Language Spoken :N/A Hotal Stars :N/A Latitude :N/A Longitude :N/A
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