FreeMe is a rehabilitation centre for indigenous wildlife based in the north of Johannesburg. It was founded in 1997 by a group of trained rehabilitators who realised that there was not enough organised care for indigenous wildlife.
Suburban wildlife is in crisis
Each year thousand of birds, mammals and reptiles living in gardens or suburbs become orphaned, sick or suffer injuries. Most veterinarians do not have facilities to cater for wildlife, leaving would-be rescuers unable to determine what to do with them. FreeMe has filled this gap. The public can now bring wildlife to us for specialised treatment, care and rehabilitation until they can be released.
We are staffed and operated by a small full-time staff and a group of trained volunteers. The centre is open seven days a week from 8am to 5pm and we welcome calls from the public asking for advice and support.
FreeMe relies on members of the public to bring compromised wildlife to the centre, and for notification if there are wildlife in distress. In emergencies such as oil-spills volunteers may travel to a locality to rescue and assist wildlife.
There is no conservation without education
We strive to promote a responsible attitude to wildlife and the environment through education programmes, newsletters, publicity and advice. Volunteers continuously learn new skills and knowledge through contact with similar organisations and experts in the field. Our FreeMe Magazine, with its 'Kids' Talk' section, is designed to entertain while spreading awareness of wildlife and conservation. We participate in the School Owl Box Project run by Eco-Solutions, which aims to create owl friendly and aware children and communities through education and awareness by setting up hacking boxes for owlets at various schools. This highly successful project (for man and wildlife) is the brainchild of Jonathan Haw, our raptor advisor.
We operate under an Open Permit granted by the Gauteng Department of Nature Conservation and uphold the highest standards. All indigenous wildlife is accepted and every creature, big or small, receives specialised care.
FreeMe is a self-funded registered non-profit organisation, relying solely on the generosity of the public through donations, bequests, membership, sponsorship and voluntary assistance in all aspects.
Aims and objectives of FreeMe
To rescue, rehabilitate and release indigenous wildlife onto carefully chosen reserves and conservancies.
To educate the public through the use of lectures, newsletters, advertising, support and advice. Without education there is no conservation.
To train volunteers in the care of wildlife while upholding the highest ethical standards and working closely with a panel of vets.
To network with similar organisations and experts in the field, sharing knowledge and skills, locally and internationally.
To fundraise to develop and sustain a self-funded centre that relies on donations, bequests, sponsorships and membership