Many people try various drugs and pain killers to gain temporary relief from their pain and usually these solutions do nothing to resolve the cause of their problems. Many of these people could regain their health under chiropractic care.
‘Chiropractic means “done by hand”. It is a natural, complimentary/ alternative, hands-on, drug free, surgery free approach to health’
“Chiropractic has risen to become the third most used primary health care profession in the world after medicine and dentistry”
Chiropractic is a health profession concerned with the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of biomechanical disorders of the neuromusculoskeletal system.
Chiropractors aim to restore the normal biomechanics of the spine and other joints of the body by using adjustments, mobilisations and/or flexion distraction techniques.
Soft tissue techniques, such as trigger point therapy (dry needling), massage, stretching, heat or cold therapy, electrotherapy etc. is often used as a complementary treatment modality.
Chiropractic practitioners essentially rely upon non-invasive treatment methods and will refer patients to medical practitioners/specialists should medication/surgery be indicated, and will refer to a physical therapist, podiatrist or biokineticist when needed.