Chiropractic care is a facet of the primary the health care system that emphasizes careful evaluation and care of the neuromusculoskeletal system which comprised of nerves, joints, and muscles.
Chiropractic focuses on treating the causes of physical problems rather than just the symptoms, without the use of drugs or surgery.
The treament protocol may include specific joint adjustments, stretches, lifestyle counseling, as well as, exercise, nutritional and rehabilitation programs.
Chiropractic manipulation involves gentle movements to areas of the spine, as well as, other joints of the body. These gentle movements often involve a short, controlled thrust. These manual adjustments help restore pain free motion to restricted joints, improve mobility, and relieve pain and stiffness.
Manual stretching and pressure point therapy may be performed on muscles in order to promote relaxation. Various thermal and electrical modalities may also be used to help control pain and reduce inflammation with the aim to restore optimum function.