Antenatal Childbirth Education Classes
Heather aims to help parents to prepare for parenthood by providing comprehensive, current, evidence based information. Parents are thus educated to make informed choices and decisions regarding their unique childbirth experience.
Heather runs a series of 6 antenatal classes which are held in the comfort of her family home in Morningside. Her groups are small which allows expectant parents to feel comfortable & at ease. Gaining knowledge about pregnancy, labour, birth options, pain relief options, breastfeeding & tips for the early days following your baby's birth, will assist parents to make informed choices and help to inspire confidence.
The course runs over 6 weeks from 18h30 to 20h15
It is recommended that you start classes between 20 and 24 weeks pregnancy
The cost of the course is R1500 per couple
Medical aids cover at least a portion of the cost of attending classes (codes: 88407 ICD10: Z71.8)
Course Content
1. Pregnancy & pregnancy niggles, female anatomy, nutrition & exercise, kegels.
2. Labour, normal delivery, when to go to hospital, role of partner.
3. Pain relief, fear, caesarean section, medical interventions.
4. Breastfeeding: amazing facts, how it works, tips for success (optional for husbands/partners to attend).
5. Ladies only class: How to feed and express, Labour - practice and pushing, relaxation exercise, pelvic floor, emotional health.
6. Mom after delivery, postnatal depression, crying baby, baby bath, SIDS, immunization & baby clinic.
Baby Clinic
After your baby is born, Heather runs a private baby clinic on an appointment basis.
These are some of the services she offers:
- Postnatal support & advice on all aspects of baby care
- Breastfeeding /Infant feeding advice
- Newborn assessments & weighing
- Immunization
- Baby & child developmental assessments
- Nutritional advice for infants & toddlers
Consultation costs can be claimed from your medical aid!