Hypnotherapy can be an aid for thousands of problems. Problems such as stress, depression, pain relief, headaches, migraines, can all be helped with hypnotherapy.
Sports performance greatly improved, anesthesia for those allergic to anesthetics. Fears and phobias reduced, trauma overcome, weight reduced, debilitation assisted, and many more ways to help you help yourself.
Hypnosis has been known to the world for thousands of years.
It can be used for healing, relaxation, de-stressing, improving self-esteem, pain relief, cure of addictions, and many curative processes. Helping with all those problems that seem to have no cause. Hypnosis simply combines the use of words and suggestion upon the unconscious mind of someone who wants help.
Thoughts and words affect our entire body. Negativity promotes many weaknesses, illnesses, pains, headaches and much more. Positivity can therefore promote well being, control over ones self, health, mental attitude and performance. This makes hypnosis a very powerful aid to wellness.
How does this help with healing?
By helping someone to help themselves.
By working with the subconscious mind. Overcoming lifetime habits or fears.
The brain, the filing system of the body, tries to be critical and judgmental to everything we do. This often causes problems within, and can stop us from remembering things deep in our unconscious mind by amplifying stress and problems.
This stops us from thinking and brain interferes very negatively in our lives.
Under hypnosis, the brain is stopped from all this activity. We gain access to our unconscious mind to which we can add words of encouragement, healing, and strength, triggering abilities in the body to heal.
When the brain’s thoughts are repressed, hypnotherapists are able to talk directly to our unconscious mind. This starts the body to change its own memory and energy flows, to remember, heal itself, or repair by seeing reason to change old habits of stress and depression for example.
A person can realize under hypnosis that simply changing the words they use to positive words and the thoughts they have to positive thoughts. This simple process can have a very positive influence upon their health and lives.
By changing your thinking you can change your feelings, health, and life.
Hypnotherapy can be a valuable tool on its own, or used together with medical or alternative therapies to aid healing, or generally improving people’s lives with feelings of well-being. Hypnosis is simply putting a person into a trance or very relaxed state by an interaction between a practitioner and a person who wishes to be hypnotized.
Hypnosis is basically relaxing the brain to a state between being awake and being asleep.
This state is one which may never be feared. It is simply the same state you go through twice a day every day, when you go to sleep, that point between being asleep and being awake, then pass through again when you wake up, just before being fully awake.
The person being hypnotized is always in control of themselves and everything that happens. They can hear everything that is said and are fully in control of their faculties to an extent they can never be told to do something they do not want to do.
It is a state of mind when suggestions are acted upon and stored in the unconscious, and long after recalled. It is a state of very high focus and awareness, soft sounds become louder, recollection is vivid, even to the stage when every event in one’s life can be recalled.
Events from earlier in life or even in previous lives can be recalled as well.
For Hypnotherapy in South Africa Contact Arthur at Hypnotherapy SA