Only a few years ago, it was mainly the sensitive who simply couldn’t tolerate the chemicals used in many cleaning processes that opted for natural based cleaning solutions, both in professional and domestic cleaning. Nowadays however more and more people are only too aware of the long-term health effects of toxic chemicals in cleaning products and are switching to companies like us because we use products that are safe, more effective and better for the environment than traditional cleaning agents.
Suck It Up cleaners are professionals with a huge amount of industry experience who are now protecting your homes, your children and your environment by practicing safe standards in their cleaning processes.
We are setting a new standard for what is acceptable when having your carpets, upholstery or mattresses cleaned. We continue to offer eco-friendly and natural carpet care solutions to your homes and businesses.
We all know that the world has to change directions if we are going to reverse the trend towards ecological damage and deterioration of human health. We also know in many small ways that we ourselves have been contributing, but whenever we have new and better choices, like reducing waste, reusing materials, and recycling, we are happy to get on board. Now we need to grasp further and significant new opportunities to shift course again relating to how we clean and what we use to clean and this shift is particularly valuable to home owners and facilities managers.
The bar has been raised for cleaners like ourselves to meet this challenge. The result is cleaner indoor air, lower health risks for building occupants and staff, fewer liabilities, and far less environmental impact for aquatic life