Foresight Church is a team-led New Testament structured church. This means that we align ourselves with scriptural emphases, and elders govern the local church, empowering people for works of service. Basically,
- We build people
- People build families
- Families build communities
- Communities build nations
Foresight Church strives to be a Real Church for Real People. This implies that our church exists to reflect and represent the cross-section of the population of our country, if we truly believe that God raises churches in cities for His redemption purposes.
We relate to a global network of ministries called New Covenant Ministries International (NCMI), which is a team of Ephesians 4:11 giftings.
We see a fruitful, contagious church family of people from all walks of life, growing and developing towards wholeness and maturity in Christ. We see ourselves serving and powerfully impacting the community in and beyond our region by empowering individuals and releasing them into a church-planting network.
We foster a fun, creative, relevant environment where people can grow dynamically in their relationship with the Trinity and each other.
Our goal is to grow normal people into “Fully Alive and Powerfully Effective People” by embracing the following core values as demonstrated by the words and actions of Jesus:
- The Word of God above all else
- Authentic Community in teams (friendship before function, producing friendship AND function)
- Artistic Creativity
- Cultural Relevance
- Fatherhood in Discipleship
- Power Evangelism (Matt 28:18-20)
- Excellence in Gifts and Skills
- Intimate Fellowship (Home & ministry groups)
- Vibrant Fun & Victorious living
- Growth & Vitality
- Empowering Leadership Development
- Compassionate Love in Action
- Participative Ministry (the priesthood of all believers)
- Effective, fervent Prayer
- Covenantal Relationships (humble & teachable accountability)
- Spirit-led, integrated community living
- Generous & Extravagant giving
- Passionate Worship
- Humble Service & Servanthood
- Biblical five-fold Ministry
- Apostolic “going”, sending and giving to disciple all nations
- Loving and integrated family units