We are a few math teachers from Pretoria that have a passion for maths and teaching children.
Math-Tutor.co.za was started in 2013 as a place for math teachers from different schools to collbaerate and share thoughts and ideas regarding the content and teaching of maths.
Math-Tutor.co.za also plans to feature a communication gateway between students and teachers.
Our aim is to provide students from Grades 4 to 12 with math extra classes focusing on the current school curriculum as well as the students problem areas. We also provide exam preparation classes. Math-Tutor.co.za provide extra math classes in english and afrikaans.
We are determined to grow Math-Tutor.co.za throughout Pretoria, with math teachers in different areas for your convenience.
Class duration is 60min, held in the afternoons in groups of ±3 at the math teachers home.