Our lives are filled with challenges and opportunities. It’s no longer qualifications or technical experience that makes you an outstanding individual but your ability to act on your dreams and ambitions and to achieve success while bringing out the very best in you and the people around you.
Coaching provides you with remarkable insights into the skills and resources needed to sustain growth within complex, changing environments. Unleashing an effective way to step up as strong, independent and fearless people.
My coaching style is to challenge you to focus on what you really want and help you identify and break through whatever holds you back from realising your dreams. As a result, you get to banish limiting belief patterns, accept and master your emotions, and discover new resources and behaviours.
Identify and break through whatever holds you back from realising your dreams.
A typical coaching session is 90-minutes long and depending on your needs can be scheduled weekly, fortnightly or monthly. A typical executive coaching engagement comprises 6 to 10 sessions although my individual clients often sign up for 2 to 4 sessions. To learn more about my individual and corporate coaching packages, drop me an email and we can chat about your needs.
As we experience life our mind-body system codes events and we develop reactions in response to what happens. Each time something similar happens, our physical and emotional reactions attached to the memory are triggered. In some instances these reactions are helpful and sometimes less helpful.
One of the benefits of hypnotherapy is that it allows you to remember an event that led to the first reaction, separate the memory from the learned behaviour, and replace unhealthy reactions with new, healthier ones.
Given that hypnotherapy can be utilised to access a person’s inner code and that few people are performing to their full potential, then virtually everyone would benefit from hypnotherapy.
Hypnotherapy is particularly helpful in dealing with stress, anxiety, panic, phobias, unwanted habits and addictions, disrupted sleep patterns, lack of confidence and low self-esteem, fear of examinations and public speaking, migraine and irritable bowel syndrome. Additionally, it has proved of great value in sport and artistic performance enhancement.
My hypnotherapy style blends the science of hypnosis with the techniques of neuro-semantics to help you banish limiting belief patterns, accept and master your emotions, and discover new resources and behaviours.
Banish limiting belief paterns, accept and master your emotions, and discover new resources and behaviours. During hypnosis, your body relaxes and your thoughts become more focused. Like other relaxation techniques, hypnosis lowers blood pressure and heart rate, and changes certain types of brain wave activity. In this relaxed state, you will feel at ease physically yet fully awake mentally.
People are sometimes concerned that they will ‘lose control’ in hypnosis. However, regardless of how deeply people may go in hypnosis and however passive they may appear to be, they actually remain in full control of the situation.
A typical session is 90-minutes long and depending on your needs can be scheduled weekly, fortnightly or monthly.